Physikalisches Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Philipp Hansmann – Correlated Electrons: From the Hubbard model to the Haber-Bosch process (Antrittsvorlesung)

Date: 27. November 2024Time: 12:00 – 13:00Location: Hörsaal H, Staudtstr. 5, 91058 Erlangen und per Zoom

Titel: Correlated Electrons: From the Hubbard model to the Haber-Bosch process (Antrittsvorlesung)

Abstract: Understanding the behavior of correlated electrons in solids and molecules is a central challenge in modern quantum
many-body physics and the focus of my group. Our research covers a wide spectrum of topics ranging from the solution of
abstract models like the Hubbard model to the computational simulation of real materials. The methods we employ and further
develop in my group bridge the gap between the realms of abstract models and technological applications.
On one hand, we explore the theoretical underpinnings of quantum systems to predict emergent phenomena such as quasiparticles
and, most prominently, unconventional superconductivity.
On the other hand, we leverage these abstract insights to predict material properties with greater accuracy, aiming to
enhance real-world technologies.
By showcasing recent and ongoing projects, I will provide concrete examples of how our approach unites fundamental science
with technological innovation.

Sprecher / Speaker: Prof. Dr. Philipp Hansmann
Kontakt / Contact: Dekanat/ Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schatz

Norbert Lindlein lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.
Norbert Lindlein invites you to a planned Zoom meeting.

Thema: Physikalisches Kolloquium 2024
Meeting-ID: 616 3709 4478, Kenncode: 567858

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Event Details

27. November 2024
12:00 – 13:00

Hörsaal H, Staudtstr. 5, 91058 Erlangen und per Zoom

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