Media Echo
Coherent nanophotonic electron accelerator
- Our accelerator works – Oscar William Murzewitz in Welt der Physik (English translation of German title)
- Acceleration, but not as we know it – Cern Courier
Coherent nanophotonic electron accelerator
- The compact accelerator that keeps electrons on the straight and narrow – Yelong Wei in nature News and Views
- Tiniest particle accelerator is so small it could fit into a pen tip – Karmela Padavic-Callaghan in New Scientist
- Tiny accelerators get electrons up to speed using lasers – Emily Conover in ScienceNews
- Particle Accelerator on a Chip Hits Penny-Size – Charles Q. Choi in IEEE Spectrum
- Electrons accelerated by firing lasers into nanophotonic cavities – Tim Wogan in physicsworld
- Particle accelerator on a microchip achieves energy record – Katharina Menne in Spektrum (English translation of German title)
- Milestone: Miniature particle accelerator works – Blandina Mangelkramer in Research-in-Germany
- Milestone: miniature particle accelerator works – in ProPhysik (English translation of German title)
- Milestone: Miniature particle accelerator works – ScienceDaily
- Solar Surprise: The Sun’s magnetic poles will flip earlier than expected – Sabine Hossenfelder on Youtube
- Is that an accelerator in your pocket, or are you happy to see me? – Haaretz, a major Israeli newspaper (English translation of Hebrew title)
- The world’s smallest working particle accelerator is 54 million times smaller than the Large Hadron Collider at CERN – Fonetech (English translation of Czech title)
- How physicists built the world’s smallest particle accelerator – Rahul Rao in Popular Science
- How pocket-sized particle accelerators could treat cancer – Don Lincoln in Big Think
- Researchers build particle accelerator smaller than a 1-cent coin – futurezone (English translation of German title)
- Particle accelerator shrinks to the nanoscale – Cordelia Sealy