
The Department of Physics at FAU awards its Ohm Prizes for outstanding theses. Already decided last year, but due to circumstances only handed over this year, Dr. Christian Heide and Urs Haeusler each received an Ohm Prize for their dissertation and master's thesis, respectively. Both were online at...

Kategorie: News

And another dissertation defense -- Ang Li defended his dissertation with a sophisticated presentation and very good discussion with great success. Congratulations, Dr. Li! And what a delicious celebration in the evening!

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Still under Corona rules, Robert Zimmermann defended his dissertation with great success, but at least for the first time in a long time with a proper doctoral party in the evening -- congratulations, Dr. Z!

Kategorie: News

After 35 years in the Physics Department at FAU, our long-time secretary Ms. Claudia Schlechte has reached what in her case was literally a well-deserved retirement. She said goodbye with a very nice farewell -- dear Mrs. Schlechte, thank you very much for that, thank you for your excellent work and...

Kategorie: News

Our new Collaborative Research Center QuCoLiMa offers many open PhD positions. Applications are currently welcome, see here.

Kategorie: News